The City of Nicoma Park has a seven-member Council. The Mayor and Wards 1, 3 and 5 are elected in odd years. Wards 2, 4 and 6 are elected in even years.
Regularly scheduled Council meetings are usually held the second Tuesday of each month at 6:05 p.m. or immediately following the Pre-Meeting at 11435 Jeffords Ave(Corner of Overholser & Jeffords)
The City of Nicoma Park operates under a Strong-Mayor/Council with Charter form of government. The governing body consists of a Mayor, who is elected at large, and one Councilmember from each of the six wards of the city. The Mayor serves as ex officio Councilmember at large and as chief executive officer and head of the administrative branch of the city. The City Council determines all matters of policy.
City Councilmembers | Term Expires | |
Mayor | Mark Cochell | 5/1/25 |
Ward 1 | Breck Swigart | 5/1/25 |
Ward 2 | Charley Stevens | Appointed to fill vacancy until next general election |
Ward 3 | Bobby Kolar | 5/1/25 |
Ward 4 | Steve West | 5/1/26 |
Ward 5 | Jeff Caudill | 5/1/25 |
Ward 6 | Thomas Deen | 5/1/24 |